2022年12月5日発行/本文2色 (表紙4p、日本語版30p、英語版30P)計66p JOHNDOEのDOE×YOU二次創作漫画です ※こちらは電子書籍です。 YOUに合うまでのダイジェストプロローグとEND2の後~のお話中心。 漫画内に顔は出ませんがYOUは女の子です。 ※ホラー要素、残酷な表現(グロ)を含みますので15歳未満(中学生不可)は購入をご遠慮ください。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ JOHNDOE's DOE x YOU unofficial fan book. *E-book. *The first half of the page is in Japanese, and the second half is an English translat…
【試し読み】I Just love love love you!

JOHNDOEのDOE×YOU二次創作漫画です ※こちらは電子書籍です。
JOHNDOE's DOE x YOU unofficial fan book. *E-book.
*The first half of the page is in Japanese, and the second half is an English translation.
Digest prologue until it meets YOU, and
The story is centered on the story after END2.
YOU are a girl, although your face does not appear in the comic.
*There are no sexual elements, but it contains horror elements and cruel expressions such as blood.
Please refrain from purchasing this book if you are under 15 years old.
I also had help from a native English-speaking friend in translating this manga into English.
Thank you very much.
(For this text, web translation is used)
公式 JohnDoe+ https://masochistfox.itch.io/john-doe-plus / 原作 FOX様(@MortisFox)
(English product description provided by the creator.)
Warning: The creator has specifically pointed out that the English is a machine translation.